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28 juin 2008 6 28 /06 /juin /2008 09:30
Dernier single en date de Moz' ! Enjoy !!!

"All you need is me"

You hiss and groan and you constantly moan
But you don't ever go away
That's because
All you need is me

You roll your eyes up to the skies
Mock horrified
But you're still here
All you need is me

There's so much destruction
All over the world
And all you can do is
Complain about me

You bang your head against the wall
And say you're sick of it all
Yet you remain
'Cause all you need is me

And then you offer your one and only joke
And you ask me what will I be
When I grow up to be a man
Uhm, nothing!

There's a soft voice singing in your head
Who could this be?
I do believe it's me

There's a naked man standing, laughing in your dreams
You know who it is
But you don't like what it means

There's so much destruction
All over the world
And all you can do is
Complain about me

I was a small, fat child in a council house
There was only one thing I ever dreamed about
And Fate has just
Handed it to me - whoopee

You don't like me, but you love me
Either way you're wrong
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

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7 octobre 2006 6 07 /10 /octobre /2006 06:00

Life Is A Pigsty

It's the same old S.O.S.
But with brand new broken fortunes
And once again I turn to you
Once again I do I turn to you
It's the same old S.O.S.
But with brand new broken fortunes
I'm the same underneath
But this you, you surely knew

Life is a pigsty
Life is a pigsty
Life is a pigsty
Life is a pigsty
Life, life is a pigsty
Life, life is a pigsty
Life, life is a pigsty
Life is a pigsty

And if you don't know this
Then what do you know?
Every second of my life I only live for you
And you can shoot me
And you can throw me off a train
I still maintain
I still maintain
Life, life is a pigsty
Life is a pigsty
And I'd been shifting gears all along my life
But I'm still the same underneath
This you surely knew
I can't reach you
I can't reach you
I can't reach you anymore
Can you please stop time?
Can you stop the pain?
I feel too cold
And now I feel too warm again
Can you stop this pain?
Can you stop this pain?
Even now in the final hour of my life
I'm falling in love again
Even now in the final hour of my life
I'm falling in love again
I'm falling in love again

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2 octobre 2006 1 02 /10 /octobre /2006 18:32

(Spéciale dédicace à Frédérique pour son birthday today !!!!)
"I'M NOT SORRY" by Morrissey

On returning, I can't believe this world is still turning, The pressure's on, Because the pleasure hasn't gone
And I'm, Not sorry for, For the things I've done
And I'm, Not looking for, Just anyone

On competing, Oh, when will this tired heart stop beating?, It's all a game, Existence is only a game
And I'm, Not sorry for, For the things I've done
And I'm, Not looking for, Just anyone

I'm, Slipping below the water line, I'm, Slipping below the water line
Reach for my hand, And, And the race is won
Reject my hand, And, The damage is done

I'm, Slipping below the water line
I'm, Slipping below the water line

The woman of my dreams, She, She never came along
The woman of my dreams, Well, There never was one

And I'm, Not sorry for, For the things I've said
There's a wild man in my head, There's a wild man In my head

Très belle chanson de Moz', à siroter devant un 'tit punch destroy....

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27 septembre 2006 3 27 /09 /septembre /2006 14:26

Irish Blood, English Heart

Irish blood, English heart, this I'm made of
There is no-one on earth I'm afraid of
And no regime can buy or sell me

I've been dreaming of a time when
To be English is not to be baneful
To be standing by the flag not feeling
Shameful, racist or partial

Irish blood, English heart, this I'm made of
There is no-one on earth I'm afraid of
And I will die with both my hands untied

I've been dreaming of a time when
The English are sick to death of Labour
And Tories, and spit upon the name of Oliver Cromwell
And denounce this royal line that still salute him
And will salute him forever
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6 septembre 2006 3 06 /09 /septembre /2006 20:31
Après la photo, la vidéo ! ;)
(Enregistrement live du studio 104) La chanson est fantastique,  le refrain tourne en boucle dans ma tête depuis deux jours....

I Will See You In Far Off Places

Nobody knows what human life is.
Why we come, why we go.
So why then do I know
I will see you,
I will see you in far off places?

The heart knows why I grieve
And yes one day I will close my eyes forever
But I will see you
I will see you in far off places.

It's so easy for us to sit * together
But it's so hard for our hearts * to combine
And why?
And why?
Why? Why? Why? Why?

Destiny for some is to save lives
But destiny for some is to end lives
But there is no end
And I will see you in far off places.

If your god bestows protection upon you
And if the USA doesn't bomb you
I believe I will see you somewhere safe
Looking to the camera, messing around
And pulling faces.

* remplace ici par "stand here"
* remplacé ici par "flesh"

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26 août 2006 6 26 /08 /août /2006 19:55
Spécial dédicace à Mister Michou ;)

MY LOVE LIFE ( paroles trouvées sur l'excellent site http://www.passionsjustlikemine.com )

Come on to my house
Come on and do something new
I know you love one person so
Why can't you love two?

Give a little something
Give a little something
To my love life
To my love life
My love life

I know you love one person so 
Why don't you love two, love?
Love two

Give a little something
Give a little something
To my love life
To my love life
My love life

I know you love one person so
Why don't you love two, love?
Love two

Oh give a...
Ooohh Love...
I know you love
(last 3 lines repeated ad lib)

Come on to my house 

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25 août 2006 5 25 /08 /août /2006 08:11
Naaaan, je blague...m'enfin, presque.  Quand à la fin d'un concert, j'ai reçu une belle poignée de main franche du maître Moz, même à mon âge, j'en fait des bonds de kangourou tellement haut que j'ai atteint la stratosphère en quelques milli-secondes. J'étais tellement bien la-haut que je ne suis pas encore redescendue ce matin. Et entre nous, même de tout près, qu'est-ce qu'il sent bon, Mister Morrissey !!!

Arrivée avec les copines au Studio 104, les premiers rangs nous tendaient les bras. Nan, mais, imaginez : être assis à 5 mètres de Moz !!!!  Lequel est arrivé classe et sobre, chemise bleue marine, pantalon noir, chaussures vernies,  bonne humeur et charme en prime. Les musiciens quand à eux, comme de gentils "good boys" tout de clair vêtus....

Le concert comprenait 7 chansons (liste empruntée au forum des fans français de Moz) de "Ringleader of the tormentors" :

I will see you

You have killed me

The Youngest

In the future

I want to see the boy happy

At last I am born

I'll never be anybody's hero now

A  la fin, un petit problème technique, une histoire de clavier me semble-t-il, a dû raccourcir un peu le show, Mister Moz nous a fait comprendre que "the show was over", d'un geste concis (le doigt qui fait couic sur la gorge) mais une bonne poignée de main et tout a été oublié. (N'empêche rien qu'un petit rappel, même  A capella... :D )

Voici mes trésors de la soirée (maaaaarchi à Fred pour les invit's et la carte postale australienne) :

Plus un petit bonus offert par FamousWhenDead (forum français des fans de Morrissey) : Tof du plateau d'enregistrement :

Bizzzzzzzzzzzzzzz à la cerizzzzzzzzzzzzzze,


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12 août 2006 6 12 /08 /août /2006 08:09
Il y a fort à parier que vous connaissez à peu près tous cette chanson, mais sous une autre forme, celle d'un générique de série télé américaine avec sorcières à la clé.


I am the son
And the heir
Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
I am the son and heir
Of nothing in particular

You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way ?
I am human and i need to be loved
Just like everybody else does

I am the son
And the heir
Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
I am the son and heir
Oh, of nothing in particular

You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way ?
I am human and i need to be loved
Just like everybody else does

Oh ...
Oh ...

There's a club, if you'd like to go
You could meet somebody who really loves you
So you go, and you stand on your own
And you leave on your own
And you go home, and you cry
And you want to die

When you say it's gonna happen "now"
Well, when exactly do you mean ?
See, i've already waited too long
And all my hope is gone

Oh ...
Oh ...

You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way ?
I am human and i need to be loved
Just like everybody else does

Ok ?

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10 août 2006 4 10 /08 /août /2006 11:56
Ok, je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de remettre la version que j'avais coincée en tout petit à gauche du blog. Chez moi, Moz est en sandwich entre des beignets indiens et des fondants au chocolat noir / orange (prochaine article). Mais qu'est-ce que vous voulez, voilà un artiste qui se déguste sans faim avec un immense appétit !!!!

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10 août 2006 4 10 /08 /août /2006 10:56
Bon, d'accord, j'avoue, c'est ma chanson préferée de Morrissey. Y'a des chances pour que je la colle de temps en temps un peu partout, versions différentes à chaque fois, époque, lieux, etc....
Cette version-ci, téléchargée grâce à un fan mozesque du forum  a été enregistrée lors de l'émission de Jonathan Ross le 14 mai 2004, et posée par mes soins sur Youtube.

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