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  • : Vegansfields
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2 octobre 2006 1 02 /10 /octobre /2006 18:32

(Spéciale dédicace à Frédérique pour son birthday today !!!!)
"I'M NOT SORRY" by Morrissey

On returning, I can't believe this world is still turning, The pressure's on, Because the pleasure hasn't gone
And I'm, Not sorry for, For the things I've done
And I'm, Not looking for, Just anyone

On competing, Oh, when will this tired heart stop beating?, It's all a game, Existence is only a game
And I'm, Not sorry for, For the things I've done
And I'm, Not looking for, Just anyone

I'm, Slipping below the water line, I'm, Slipping below the water line
Reach for my hand, And, And the race is won
Reject my hand, And, The damage is done

I'm, Slipping below the water line
I'm, Slipping below the water line

The woman of my dreams, She, She never came along
The woman of my dreams, Well, There never was one

And I'm, Not sorry for, For the things I've said
There's a wild man in my head, There's a wild man In my head

Très belle chanson de Moz', à siroter devant un 'tit punch destroy....

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